
Welcome to the website for the Shaarey Shomayim Congregation. Proudly serving North Western Ontario since 1908. Our roots stretch back to the 1700s and our history is rich and diverse. Our egalitarian community hosts the only mikvah between Winnipeg and Toronto which is a distance of over 2400 km. The city of Thunder Bay has a growing community of over 259 people who identify as Jewish from all walks of life.

Our Mission:

“Our unaffiliated congregation holds shabbat services, holiday celebrations and runs a Hebrew school. More than a hundred years old, Shaarey Shomayim is an important and historic part of Thunder Bay’s cultural diversity.”

To find out more about our rich and diverse history please visit our History page. If you are interested in what we are up to then please visit our Community Events page.

All are welcome at our services. Friday and Saturday morning services are only held occasionally. For more information on our congregation or services please feel free to contact the shul for more details.